Corona pro max? Global warming? Chronic burnout? Empty piggy bank? Lost relationships?
This bad luck jackpot of 2021 is undoubtedly more than we can physically and emotionally handle. Especially since 2020 had already run us dry.
But despite all the grief and disappointment, 2021 was in many ways still like any other year. Seasons came and went, children were born, people got married, projects were accomplished, beautiful art was created.
And all of us will derive valuable lessons from the year that we’ll never want to lose.
Is 2021 the worst year ever?

An American study found that over half of their participants called 2021 the “worst year of their lives.” So if it feels like you have been continuously battling one disaster only to be bogged down by another, you’re not alone.
And while reliving 2021 is a horrendous idea, acknowledging and accepting these painful events is an essential part of post-traumatic growth and collective compassion. Psychologists have narrowed down some common themes as to why 2021 has been so challenging:
Prolonged uncertainty
When the pandemic first began in 2020, we held on to hopeful predictions about how long it would drag out. Little did we know two weeks became three months. Three months turned into a year. Fast forward to today, COVID and its unearthed variants are still here despite the vaccines, and may never go away.
Grief and loss
We also had to cope with the painful reality that more people died of COVID in 2021 than in 2020. Millions must now carry on without their loved ones. Because of this, psychologists believe humanity is going through mass grief and depression, similar to when wars used to rage a country.
Financial strain
The pandemic’s strain on the economy has also resulted in long-term financial stress for many. And some feel the strain more. Low-income people were seven times more likely to experience depression symptoms this spring than other adults.
What determines the value of a good year?

When someone asks you what makes a good year in your life, you’ll probably reply with these conventional blessings: thriving health, happy relationships, career advancement, extra coins in the bank. More rainbows, less rain, please.
If we were to follow this notion, the value of a good year simply equates to having a surplus of good events over bad events.
But, it’s never that simple, is it? Good events are never entirely good. Bad events are never entirely bad.
That’s why, despite all the apocalyptic-dystopian turmoil 2021 bestowed onto us, we can still derive a great deal of positive value.
We simply need to reframe what determines the value of a good year. And here are three valuable elements that will help you scavenge some gold beneath all the rough rocks.
Intelligence is knowing, wisdom is experiencing. And there are some things you learn only after experiencing the many storms this year (in the most literal sense).
In many cases, growth is subtle and doesn’t look like a celebratory milestone. So even if you’ve experienced more setbacks, failures, and rejections than ever this year, they’re elements of growth you shouldn’t disregard.
2021 is hard proof that there are so many things that are simply beyond our control. Most of us were forced into accepting the fragility of our existence. And in times of solitude, we finally meet with bits of ourselves and accept things that are drowned out by the chatter of our everyday lives.
Here’s me lifting my glass to 2022, but not because 2021 was the worst year ever. I truly believe a good year goes beyond happy moments and milestones you achieved within 365 days. So, instead of shimmying off the struggles of the past twelve months, take an honest look at what’s lost, what stayed, and the subtle rewards you gained. This is the only way to achieve closure and ease into the new year with lighter shoulders and clearer headspace.